Traditional Batik VS Modern Batik
speech and movement. In the song pelantunan macapat filisofis values presented in the form of lyrics and songs. In each piece of batik painting strokes canthing is full of meaning of the batik. Each motif is a symbol of a major event that set forth in the form of images.
Batik during the last few years as if having a mass reinassance. Batik clothes that previously only used on certain occasions, is now a plural subject in a variety of occasions. The designers and fashion magazines-magazine-crowded crowded lift batik as the main theme so that batik fashion boom occurred.
Remarkable resurrection occurred in the batik industry in various regions. Central cities such as batik Solo, Yogyakarta, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Lasem become so alive as batik bergeliatnya domestic industry. Modernization of the batik were kept happening is directly proportional to the increasing demand for goods and inter business pesaingan batik producers. Effeknya innovations continue to grow and continue to be modified batik and modernized.
In the city of Solo there are two types of batik, the first kratonan and batik batik saudagaran. Batik batik Saudagaran is produced by batik entrepreneurs, for example in the area and Laweyan Kauman. Batik is freely traded and used by the majority included in this type of batik. The second prohibition batik is batik which should only be used by the royal family in particular events. The existence of this batik closed since only be worn by certain circles in the royal palace. The batik is now widely distributed and considered a ban on actual motive is not necessarily true batik ban, because who really know about the prohibition of batik is clear Quintanova King family.
With regard to the philosophical value of batik from Surakarta Drs. Narimo patiently explain more about it.
Surakarta Sultanate Gagrag batik motif is the name of Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat origin. There are approximately 317 motifs derived from Surakarta Palace area, that's not including batik motifs on the fabric jarit currently appointed for a lot of batik-batik modern.
Before creating a batik motif, the maker of batik undergo a process called lelaku where he contemplated an event and observing his surroundings. It causes every curve of batik motif and each scratches canthing has deep meaning if the surgery. Philosophical value of batik not only in historical background of the creation of a motive alone. Batik educational value is also reflected in the way of usage and time usage
Batik motif exclusivity value different orag means not all can use a motif. Batik is the term for the prohibition of batik should only be used by the king or the royal family. Slopes or machete is one example of the ban motives.
Here are some batik motifs and brief explanation:
1. Batik Parang or standard according to its slope should only be used by senoto dalem (son of the queen). Slopes derived from the gathering (the slope of the hill). The history of this motif begins when the royal family escape from the palace Kartasura. The royal family was forced into hiding in the mountains to avoid the danger.
2. Truntum batik types used when someone held a celebration party. Truntum own motives discovered by Wife of Pakubuwana V. At that time he was serving a sentence for violating the rules of the kingdom. One night he thought and looked at the starry sky in the sky and then he poured what he saw with chanthing to become truntum batik motif.
3. Batik sido mukti worn by the bridal couple. Sida mukti itself melambangakan a hope, so the couple immediately using the cloth appears sidamukti desire to achieve a successful new life or in the Java language is called mukti.
4. Batik sido Drajad besan when used by the wedding ceremony.
How to use batik has its own educational value, here are some descriptions of how the use of batik cloth.
For children dipaki batik belt wolo way. Use of this type allows the children to move freely. Philosophically wolo belt usage moral free interpreted in accordance with the souls of children who are still free and immature and do not have a moral responsibility in society.
As adolescence is no longer a person wearing a batik wolo way but with a belt jarit. Jarit long used its own meaning. Jarit shelf Seamakin the higher the degree of a person in the community shorter jarit the lower social strata are those people in society.
For adults the use of batik has its own standard between men and women. In the pleat men placed on the left. While the women pleat is placed on the right, which means nengeni. This means that a princess must not violate khendak husband.
Modern Batik
Perhaps for this society is still confused with what is called modern batik. One observer Quintanova batik and SBC committee explained in the context of the modern term of batik can be seen from several aspects:
The first modern in the sense that these two motifs and technical modern in it. Examples include the modernization of the motives of batik motifs integrate two cloths in one instance a combination of the slope with a motive kawung-kawung slopes. Contemporary batik apply even modern motifs or abstract even in the processed fabrics with batik technical.
The second is modern in terms of technical. Batik printing is a form of technical modenisasi batik. But batik printing term known to the public that was not included because it is not through the batik batik stage. Batik-making process briefly to go through several stages, drawing motifs, coating with the night, coloring, and the last lorot process (removal of the night). Without such a process can not be said of cloth batik but only batik textile. Another innovation in the technical production is by printing a night like that done in Kliwonan Batik Tourism Village, where hot night in a fabric printed in bulk. With this process it is possible to make batik with a large amount and in a short time but not deviate from the rule-making process of batik.
Innovation needed in order to survive batik
This is similar to that expressed Arifatul Solo tahun2009 daughter Uliana, modern batik batik is a business that is more popular in the community. By reaching young consumers modern batik modern batik's existence is necessary. With the varied motives of young people are no longer reluctant menggenakan batik cloth and slowly as the stereotype batik clothes for a more "senior" can be eroded. According to standard philosophical Uli batik should not dikorbakan despite ongoing modernization process. Philosophical value of batik can be maintained by creating new patterns with standard-existing standard. Without variation and modernization of batik will be impressed monotonous, and can not survive entrenched to this day.
Preserve the Philosophical Education Batik
The creators of new batik motifs need to be more careful in pouring creation, at least a batik motif creator has the knowledge and literature about the batik-batik earlier. To have created batik motif does not violate the rules and the existing standard.
Batik is now a fashion trend is a capital sesunguhnya to introduce the history and philosophy of batik in the community. Cultural education is needed so that when a person wearing a batik he did not just wear it for reasons purely fashion trend but with the accompaniment of that batik awareness is a cultural heritage that deserves to be preserved.
Philosophical value of educational efforts can be done with batik batik bring to school either in class or extracurricular intrakulikuler. With these efforts, especially the young generation of students become familiar with batik in more depth. So the future of batik remain victorious. Batik exhibition held need more emphasis on the introduction of the value of batik history, not just a quick introduction on batik cloth and no more no more depth.
Do not let the cultural assets of a priceless lost with the loss of our concern for culture nguri-uri sendiri.Dengan these efforts boom batik trend will not fade with each passing trend of fashion.
Modern Batik of Pekalongan
Exploring types of motives and types of modern batik making us a little impressed with the efforts of our friends in Pekalongan batik to keep still exist in the public eye, especially Indonesia. We recognize, in addition to the material that is expected as income, their efforts still deserve our respect, why?
1. Friends in Pekalongan, at least, still trying to make batik remain. Although some more concentration into the modern style of batik production, but they still produce batik, one of the Indonesian culture, which was thought to be extinct soon.
2. Compared to some areas that allow batik area just vanished, it creates Pekalongan Cooper (molds to make batik thumb) and make batik in thumb version or printing, so the void is already batik from extinction. In fact, if traced further, batik is not typical of the town of Pekalongan.
3. Pekalongan batik still exist with the original style of his own city (buketan) and has a lot of young batik can be relied upon to make Pekalongan batik is unique. Age of original batik city is expected to be able to stand throughout the city.
resource: Loemboeng
Caring for Batik
There are several things you need to look for clothing or fabric you are still beautiful batik, include the following:
1. Washing batik cloth by using hair shampoo. Previously, shampoos used to dissolve no longer part of the thickened. After that new dyed batik cloth. You can also use a special laundry soap for batik cloth on the market.
2. At the time of washing batik not polished and do not use detergent. If your batik is not too dirty you can wash it with warm water. But if you batik stains so you can wash it with soap enough alone. However, if the stain is stubborn then you can remove it with orange peel on the dirty part of it. Do not wash your batik cloth by using the washing machine.
3. Once you have gone dung dried in the shade but you do not need to squeeze it, let the cloth dry naturally. By the time you should pull the hanging part of the fabric so that fabric is folded back to normal.
4. Avoid ironing directly, if so tangled you can spray water on your batik cloth and batik cover you with other fabrics. This is to avoid your batik cloth directly exposed to heat from the iron.
5. If you want to give fragrance and softener on batik cloth, do not spray directly on fabric. Previously, the cloth used to cover with newspaper, then spray deodorant and liquid fabric softener. You should not spray perfume or cologne directly to the fabric or clothing made from natural berpewarna silk batik.
6. After ironing you should save your batik in plastic to keep moth-eaten. We recommend that you do not give mothballs for this solid too hard so that it can damage your batik cloth. There's a good idea to put pepper or pepper wrapped in a tissue and then enter in your closet to get rid of moths. Or you can use the root of your previous fragrant dip into hot water and then dried, then dipped again into hot water and dried. After the roots are dry scent of new You can use it.
Batik Market
make batik easily
To make a batik, the equipment required is: cloth (can be made from silk, cotton or polyester fabric mix), pencil for making batik designs, canting made of bamboo, copper and bercerat head or mouth, this canting function like a pen. Canting used to ladle the hot liquid wax, which is used as a cover or protector of pigments. gawangan (where to put a cloth), candles, pots and a small stove for heating.
Step - steps are as follows:
1. The first step we make batik designs on cloth with pencil or commonly called molani. In determining the motive, usually each person has different tastes. Some prefer to make their own motives, but others prefer to follow the general motives that have been there.
2. The second step is to use a canting which already contain a liquid wax to coat the desired pattern. The aim is to ensure that the immersion into a solution of coloring materials, parts that were not exposed layer of wax. After the wax is dry, dip a cloth into the dye solution.
3. The last process is nglorot, where the cloth has changed color boiled with hot water. The goal is to remove the wax layer, so the motive which had drawn previously apparent. You do not need to worry, this dye will not make a pattern that has been affected by the color of your image, because the top of the fabric is still shrouded in a thin layer (wax does not completely fade).
The result is known batik cloth with batik cloth. The naming was given, because in addition to batik, there are also printed batik, batik printing, batik painting and silk screening.
Batik market in yogyakarta
If the city of Solo is famous for his Klewer Market, famous for Jogja Beringharjo market. Traditional markets are located in the southern part of Malioboro street and close to the castle Vredeburg is one characteristic of Jogja. This market is very broad and consists of three floors with each floor and the place has a post merchandise different. This time you will be invited to explore and find items you are looking for. But first prepare yourself for jostling and bargain prices. You ready? Come ...!!!!
One of the gifts are widely available in the market Beringharjo is considering batik batik is also one special item of Jogja. If used batik identical to the things that smelled so attached to traditional Javanese customs and parents, has now become one of the trends for all ages.
Collection of batik in this market is complete, both for children, teens, and parents, all available in various models, including if you want to buy batik uniforms for families. Various kinds of batik can be found here, from batik cloth, jarit (batik cloth for clothing subordinate Java), batik clothes for the reception or formal event, gown batik, batik bedsheets, to home accessories of batik.
Stalls in the market are selling various Beringharjo batik made by the small businessmen and middle class so as not many well-known brand or a particular brand, although there are some. So this market is right for those who are not fanatical about a particular brand of batik.
This line of batik stalls located on the front of the left wing and part of the market after entering the main door to the back 75 yards. Lots of stalls selling batik-smelling things, so you can travel from one stall to another stall. The price is also very diverse, from which tens of thousands to tens of thousands could be found. The key to shopping at this place is a cleverness to choose goods with good quality and the ability to bargain. Not impossible, to get quality goods is not too good but the price is high enough.
There are two options that are sold in Batik Beringharjo market that is batik and batik printing. Batik batik print is printed with a machine motive, motive batik while the original was made slowly from the creator's hand using materials and tools that evening called canting. To distinguish them, look at the inside and outside of batik cloth that will be purchased. If the inside and outside is not the same, which is printed on the outside of the far more obvious, then that is a batik print, but if the inside and outside the same, that's batik. Because of the complexity of manufacture, batik prices relatively far more expensive.
Batik in Beringharjo market can be purchased in large quantities because, apart from tourists who buy souvenirs batik enough, this market is a wholesale center of batik retail sales in and outside Jogja Jogja. Unfortunately, this market is only open until 5pm.
One more thing to remember, Beringharjo market, like other markets are prone to public places pickpockets. Berhatilah careful with your valuables, who knows, there are pickpockets who were watching. Are you ready to shop batik?
Beringharjo, the most complete Traditional Market in Yogyakarta
Beringharjo market became a part of Malioboro love to pass up. How not, this market has become the center of economic activity for hundreds of years and its existence has philosophical meaning. The market has restored many times it represents a stage of human life which is still struggling with economic needs. In addition, Beringharjo also one of the pillars 'Catur Tunggal' (consisting of the Palace, North Square, the Palace, and Market Beringharjo) which represents the economic function.
Market Area Beringharjo originally a forest of banyan. Shortly after the establishment of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, precisely in 1758, this market area where economic transactions made by the people of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Hundreds of years later, in 1925, before the economic transaction has a permanent building. The name 'Beringharjo' itself is given by Hamengkubuwono IX, means the original area of banyan tree (bering) is expected to provide welfare (HARJO). Now, the tourist market interpreted this as a fun shopping.
The front and rear of the building west of the market is a great place to pamper your tongue with a hawker market. In the north the front, can be found Brem round with a softer texture than Madison and krasikan Brem (such lunkhead from rice flour, sugar Java, and the destruction of sesame). In the south, can be found bakpia green beans usually sold still warm and moist cake like hung and nagasari kwe. While the back is generally sell snacks durable ting-ting as a caramel made of mixed nuts.
If you want to buy batik, Beringharjo is the best place for a complete collection of batik. Started batik cloth and ready-made garments, raw cotton to silk, and the price of tens of thousands to nearly a million available in this market. Collection of batik cloth found on market stall to the north western part. While the collection of batik clothes are found almost everywhere in the western markets. Besides batik clothes, western market stall also offers surjan clothes, headcloth, and weaving and batik sarong. Sandals and bags that are sold at low prices can be found around the western part of the escalator market.
Walking to the second floor of the eastern part of the market, do not be surprised if jejamuan smell. It was a sales center Javanese herbal ingredients and spices. Materials are sold as herbal medicine turmeric is used for making acid turmeric and ginger are used to make a famously bitter herb. Spices are ginger offered (usually treated with a round of drinks or simply burnt, boiled and mixed with rock sugar) and wood (used to enrich the flavor of beverages such as wedang ginger, coffee, tea and sometimes used as a substitute for cocoa powder in the cappuccino).
This market is also a great place to hunt for antiques. Antique sales centers located at 3rd floor of the eastern markets. In place, you can find an old typewriter, a helmet made in the 60's that the front has a mica limited to the nose and so forth. On the same floor, you can hunt for good quality secondhand goods if you want. Various kinds of imported used goods such as shoes, bags, even clothes are sold at a price far cheaper than the original price with good quality still. Sure need carefulness in choosing.
Satisfied around the inside of the market, it was time to explore the area around the market to offer not less interesting. Market Lor area formerly known as Village Chinatown is the most famous region. You can find oldies tapes from musicians in the 50's that are rarely found in other places with the most expensive price of Rp 50.000,00. In addition, there are also crafts metal statue of Buddha in various positions for Rp 250.000,00. For collectors old money, this place also sells old currency from various countries, even the use of 30's.
If thirsty, drink ice cendol of Yogyakarta is a telling choice. Ice cendol Yogyakarta has a richer flavor than ice cendol Banjarnegara and Bandung. It contained not only cendol, but also cam cau (sort of gelatin made from the leaf cam cau) and the white cendol made from rice flour. Other beverages available are young coconut ice with sugar syrup and herbs such as Javanese turmeric and tamarind rice kencur. Beverage prices were not expensive, only around Rp. 1000 to Rp. 2000.
Although the official market closes at 17:00 pm, but the dynamics of traders do not stop at that hour. The front of the market still offers a unique variety of snacks. Martabak with various contents, a legit bright moon and nuts mixed with chocolate, and sugar content klepon delicious Javanese can be purchased every afternoon. At around 18:00 pm until after midnight, there is usually at the front gudeg sellers market and also offers a variant oseng kikil-oseng. While eating, you can listen to the Javanese traditional music played or talked with the seller who usually greeted with the familiar. Complete.
History Laweyen how become the central Batik in Solo
History of batik in Indonesia are closely related with the development and spread of the Majapahit kingdom in the land of Islam Java. In some records, the development of batik is often committed in times of Mataram kingdom, then in the work of Solo and Yogyakarta.
So this batik art in Indonesia has been known since the time of Majapahit jobs and growing the kingdom and the subsequent kings. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all until the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war unity out or around the year 1920. The connection with the spread of Islamic teachings. Many areas in central Java is batik's areas Batik students and later became a tool of economic by seller figures Muslims against the Dutch economy.
Art is the art of batik on fabric image for clothing that became one culture Indonesian family kings of old. Batik initially done only in a limited course and outcome palace for the king and the family clothing and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was taken by them out of court and be done in place of each.
Long batik art was imitated by the people nearest and further extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothing was just a family court, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men. White fabric that is used when it is woven themselves.
Materials were used consists dyes from native plants homemade Indonesia among others, from: mengkudu tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and flat materials made from soda ash, as well as salts made from tanahlumpur.
Majapahit era
Batik has become the Majapahit kingdom's culture, can be traced in the Mojokerto and Tulung Agung. Mojoketo are areas closely associated with the Majapahit kingdom during the first and the origin of the name have anything to do with Majokerto Majapahit. Relation to the development of original batik developed in Tulung Majapahit Agung is the history of batik development of this area, can be extracted from the legacy of Majapahit Kingdom era. At that time the majority of Tulungagung area consists of swamps in the history of the area known as Bonorowo
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Majapahit area controlled by a Duke named Kalang, and will not submit to the Majapahit kingdom.
Told that the police action carried out by Majapahit, Duke Kalang who died in fighting around the village reportedly said that now the Kalangbret. Thus the officers and soldiers of the Majapahit kingdom keluara settled and living area or the current Bonorowo named Tulungagung among others also carry original art to make batik.
Regional batik is now at Mojokerto in Kwali, Mojosari, Betero and Sidomulyo. Outside the Mojokerto regency was in Jombang. In the late nineteenth century, there are some known batik in Mojokerto, the materials used at that time white cloth woven themselves and batik drugs from Jambal Soga, mengkudu, indigo tom, height and so on.
Drugs known abroad only after the world war unity sold by Chinese traders in Mojokerto. Printed batik is known along with the entry of drugs from abroad batik. Cap made in Bangil and batik entrepreneurs can afford market Mojokerto Porong Sidoarjo, Porong market before the economic crisis the world is known as a bustling market, where the results of batik production and Jetis Sidoarjo Kedungcangkring sold. When the economic crisis, batik entrepreneurs come Mojoketo paralyzed, because most entrepreneurs small business. After the crisis recur batik activities until the Japanese came into Indonesia, and the time of the Japanese occupation batik activities paralyzed again. Batik activity appears again after the revolution which has become a regional Mojokerto occupation.
Characteristic of batik Kalangbret of Mojokerto is almost equal to the output of batik-batik of Yogyakarta, which is essentially coraknya white and brown color and dark blue. Which is known since more than a century ago where batik didesa Majan and Simo. The village also has a history as a relic from the time of Prince Diponegoro war in 1825.
Although known since ancient batik but Majapahait batik development began to spread rapidly since the area of Central Java Surakarta and Yogyakata, in the era of the kingdom in this region. It seems that the development of batik in Mojokerto and subsequent Supreme Tulung more influenced pattern Solo and Yogyakarta batik.
In the wake of clash between the Dutch colonial army troops prince Diponegoro then some of the troops withdrew Kyai Mojo towards the east and until now called Majan. Since the Dutch colonial era to the era of independence this status Majan village village Merdikan (Special Region), and the village head of a priest whose status Uirun-temurun.Pembuatan batik is an instinct Majan (heritage) of the art of making batik Diponegoro war era.
Color babaran Majan and Simo batik is unique because of the color red babarannya (from skin mengkudu) and other colors of the tom. As batik Setra famous since ancient times Sembung rural areas also, the batik entrepreneurs mostly from Sala who came in Tulungagung in the late nineteenth century. Only now there are still some families who batik from Sala Sembung settled areas. Apart from the places where there are also areas tesebut batik in Trenggalek and also some in Kediri, but the nature of some of the batik craft and household babarannya batik.
The spread of Islamic era
History of batik in other areas of East Java is in Ponorogo, whose story is related to the spread of Islam in this area. Batik History. Mentioned problem area Ponorogo batik art is closely connected with the development of Islamic religion and former kingdoms. It was said in Batoro Katong area, there is a descendant of the Majapahit kingdom Katong named Raden Raden Patah's brother. Katong Batoro religion is what brought Islam to the Ponorogo and current petilasan is a mosque Patihan Wetan area.
next development, in Ponorogo, the area was a boarding school Tegalsari raised Kyai Hasan Basri, or known as the Great Tegalsari Kyai. This Tegalsari pesantren teach religion other than Islam also teaches administrative sciences, sciences and literature of war. A famous disciple of the literary field is Tegalsari Ronggowarsito Raden. Kyai Hasan Basri was taken into law by the king of the Kingdom of Solo.
At that time a new batik art is limited in the environment court. Therefore Solo palace daughter became the wife of Kyai Hasan Basri then brought to the Tegalsari and followed by escort-escort. besides that, there are many family court islamic shcool Solo this study. This event is brought art out of the palace bafik into Ponorogo. Young people educated in this Tegalsari when it came out, the community will contribute in the dharma batik kepamongan areas and religion.
Old perbatikan areas we're seeing today is the area that is Kepatihan Wetan Kauman now and from here spread to the villages Ronowijoyo, Mangunsuman, Kertosari, Setono, Cokromenggalan, Duchy, Nologaten, Bangunsari, Cekok, and NGUNUT Banyudono. At that time drugs were used in the batik is made in their own country from the woods, among others; tree tom, mengkudu, tall timber. While homemade kainputihnyajugamemakai materials from woven wear. Bam import white cloth known in Indonesia about the late 19th century.
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first unia brought by a Chinese named Kwee Seng from Banyumas. Regional Ponorogo early 20th century in the famous batik indigo dye that does not fade and that's why batik entrepreneurs from Banyumas and Solo provides employment to many entrepreneurs in Ponorogo batik. As a result of the familiar printed batik production Ponorogo petama world after the war until the outbreak of the second world war famous for its batik is batik cap rough blue mori. Crude market Ponorogo printed batik became known throughout Indonesia.
Solo and Yogyakarta Batik
From work-kingdom in Solo and Yogyakarta and the surrounding 19th century 17.18, batik and widespread, especially in the areas of Java Island. Batik initially just a hobby of the royal family in the ornate through clothing. However, further development, community pleh batik perdagamgan developed into commodities.
Solo Batik is famous for its traditional style and patterns in the process of batik and the batik stamp he wrote. The materials used for coloring is still a lot of wear materials such as Soga domestic well-known Java since the first. The pattern remained among others known as "Sidomukti" and "Sidoluruh".
While origins of batik of Yogyakarta area known since the kingdom of Mataram to raj-I with a Panembahan Senopati any. The first area is batik didesa Plered. Batik at the time limited within the family court which was done by the women helpers queen. From here batik extends to the first trap on the other court the family is the wife of the courtiers and soldiers. At the official ceremony of the royal court families both men and women dressed in batik and striated kombonasi. Because of this kingdom received a visit from the people and the people interested in the clothes worn by the family court and imitated by the people and eventually spread out batik out of the palace walls.
As a result of the ancient time of war between the families of kings or the former Dutch colony, then a lot of families who fled the king and settled areas, new areas such as the Banyumas, Pekalongan, and East kedaerah Ponorogo, Tulungagung and sebagainy a. Meluasny a local batik until region-area historical development according to the Indonesian national struggle began the 18th century. Families who fled the palace is a developing batik all over the island of Java and the existing natural and developed according to the new area.
Diponegoro war against the Netherlands, urged the prince and his family and his followers had to leave the kingdom. They then spread to the East and West. Then in the new areas that the family and followers of Prince Diponegoro to develop batik.
East to Solo and Yogyakarta batik style batik refine existing in Mojokerto and Tulung Agung. It also spread to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. Westward was developed batik in Banyumas, Pekalongan, Tegal, Cirebon.
Batik developments in other cities
The development of batik in Banyumas Sokaraja centered in the area brought by the followers of Prince Diponegero after inya war in 1830, their most-ap menet Banyumas area. Followers that the time was famous and he developed Najendra dip in Sokaraja batik. Materials used mori homespun results and drugs used color tom trees, trees and mengkudu pace that gives the red color of yellow artificiality.
Batik gradually spread to the people Sokaraja and at the end of the nineteenth century was directly related to batik Solo and Ponorogo area. Region in Banyumas batik has been known since before the motifs and colors in particular and is now called batik Banyumas. After the world war started batik union also done by China in addition to their trade batik material. .
Similarly, in Pekalongan batik. The followers of Prince Diponegoro who settled in this area and develop business batik in this coastal area, namely in the area other than their own Pekalongan batik is growing rapidly in Buawaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo. The existence of batik in these areas almost simultaneously with the batik other areas which is about the nineteenth century. Batik-development areas outside the region apart from Yogyakarta and Solo are closely related to the development of royal history of Yogyakarta and Solo.
Widespread batik out of the palace after the end of the Diponegoro war and the many families who had moved court region outer regions because of Yogya and Solo would not kejasama with the colonial government. Family court brought his followers new region and batik place it continued and then became a job for a living.
Batik pattern in this new area is also adapted to the circumstances surrounding areas. Especially viewed from the Pekalongan and design process heavily influenced by batik from Demak. Until the early twentieth century known batik process is batik mori with artificial materials in the country and also some import. After the world war a new union known printed batik fabrication and use of drugs made overseas German and English.
In the early 20th century first became known in Pekajangan is producing stagen weaving and spinning the yarn itself is simple. In recent years new known batik done by the people who work
One of batik's motif - grompol motif
Yogyakarta the capital city of the most powerful and respected Kingdom of Java, is also at the heart of the Batik art.
All the old Traditions and customs are observed, as well as in Solo, and one can still find many symbols that are related to Hindu-Javanese culture.
The combination of motifs in Yogya batik is unique, and there is a tendency to combine a number of large geometric motifs.
The Grompol motif is a distinctively Yogya design customarily used for wedding ceremonies. Grompol, which means gather together symbolizes the coming together of all goods things, such as luck, happiness, children, and harmonious married life.
Grompol motif
The Nitik motif is found in great numbers in this area. During a colonial annual fair (Jaarbeurs) during the Dutch period, a batik producer gave the name Nitik Jaarbeurs to a motif which received an award.

* Differences Batik Tulis and Batik Cap
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* Pro VS Cons Fractal Batik Batik Traditional
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The development of batik today was encouraging, this positive impact on batik-batik producers in various regions. Request batik and printed batik is very high, although it needs some batik market already filled with batik textiles manufactured by textile companies of large capital. Some batik craftsmen wanted to pay in advance so that production can be smoothly and the buyer will receive the requested orders, it is reminiscent of the 70s where at the time of batik are also experiencing demand decent enough amount.
Differences batik and printed batik can be seen from a few things as follows:
Batik Tulis
Batik Tulis
Batik Tulis
1. Working with the canting tool made from copper which was formed to accommodate the night (wax batik) with a tip of a funnel / small pipe to discharge the night in the early image forming on the surface of the fabric.
2. Form of images / designs on batik there is no clear repetition, so the image can appear more flexible with the size of the line pattern can be relatively smaller than the printed batik.
3. Batik pictures can be seen on both sides of the fabric appear more flat (see-through back and forth) specifically for the delicate batik.
4. Basic color fabrics generally younger than the color of the stroke pattern (putihan batik / tembokan).
5. Each piece of the picture (decoration) which is repeated on the cloth would not normally have the same shape and size. Unlike the printed batik is likely to be exactly the same between one image with another image.
6. The time needed for batik making relatively longer (2 or 3 times longer) compared with printed batik making. Workmanship delicate batik can take 3 to 6 months.
7. A canting tool is relatively cheaper price ranges from Rp. 10.000, - to Rp. 20,000, -/pcs.
8. Batik selling price is relatively more expensive, because of the generally better quality, luxurious and unique.
Batik Cap
Batik Cap
1. Working with a stamp (a tool made from copper which is formed in accordance with the picture or pattern desired). For making a batik stamp handle length and width dimensions: 20 cm x 20 cm it took an average of 2 weeks.
2. Form images on the printed batik design there is always a repetition of the obvious, so the image appears again with the same shape, the size of the line relatively greater motive than batik.
3. Images printed batik is usually not transparent to both sides of the fabric.
4. Basic color fabric is usually older than the color of the scratches motive. This is because printed batik do the closing at the bottom of a more complex pattern as common practice in the batik process. Correlation is by pursuing the sale price is more expensive and time faster production. Time required for a printed batik fabrics ranging from 1 to 3 weeks.
5. To create a variety of printed batik motifs, it can take a lot of cap. While batik cap prices are relatively more expensive than canting. For the price of batik cap on the size of the present 20 cm x 20 cm ranges from Rp. 350.000, - to Rp. 700.000, -/motif. So from the beginning of printed batik capital is relatively more expensive.
6. Usage period batik stamp in good condition can reach 5 years to 10 years, with a record not broken. Repetition of copper batik stamp to pemakainnya almost unlimited.
7. Printed batik selling price is relatively cheaper compared to batik, due to be numerous and usually have other common and not a unique, not special and less exclusive.
Besides the differences between the visual side of batik and batik cap, but from the production side there are some similarities which must pass in both workmanship. Among them are the following:
* Both can be said of batik cloth, because the material is done by using wax as a medium color barrier.
* Prepared by the hand of man almost to create an image and process of the lid color.
* Materials used also as a basic ingredient of white cloth, and not to be distinguished from the basic material of the yarn (cotton or silk) or a form of weaving.
* The use of coloring materials and process the same color, there is no difference anatara batik and printed batik.
* How to determine the lay-out or a patron, and also other forms of motive may be the same between the two. So when they sewed clothes to make no difference to the fashion designer or dressmaker. What distinguishes it is only the image quality.
* How to take care of batik cloth (save, menyuci and use it) there is absolutely no difference.
* To make them take pictures early or basic sketches to facilitate and find out the motive of which will occur.
Here is another example of batik and stamp:
Hopefully for consumers batik lovers will not feel cheated again and could see more of the difference between batik and printed batik. Happy shopping and bravo Indonesian batik.
History of Batik Indonesia

Batik is historically derived from ancestral times, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the form of animals and plants. But in the history of batik development evolved, namely from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract pattern that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so on. Next through the merger of the painting style of clothing decorated with art, batik art emerged as we know it today.
The type and style of traditional batik quite so much, but the pattern and variations in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. The cultural treasures of this rich Indonesia has led to the birth of batik style and types of specialties tradisioanal with their own characteristics.

The development of Batik in Indonesia
History of batik in Indonesia related to the development of the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom and beyond. In some records, the development of batik is often committed in times of Mataram kingdom, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Art is the art of batik on fabric image for clothing that was one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Batik initially done only in a limited course and outcome palace for the king and the family clothing and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was taken by them out of court and be done in place of each.
The process of making batik
In the development of batik art gradually imitated by the people of this and the next nearest extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothing was only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men.
White fabric that is used when it is woven themselves. Medium coloring materials used consist of native plants homemade Indonesia among others, from: mengkudu tree, tall, Soga, indigo, and flat materials made from soda ash, as well as salts made from mud.
So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the days of the Majapahit kingdom and continue to grow until the next kingdom. The start spreading this batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Produced batik batik is all until the early twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the world war was over unity or around the year 1920. Now batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.
the meaning of BATIK

Batik (or word Batik) comes from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to fabric with patterns generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied to the fabric, so stop the entry of dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing".
Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) for a long time. Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik for a living, so in the past, batik work is exclusively women's work until the invention of "Batik Cap" which allows the entry of men into the field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely that the coastal batik masculine lines as you can see in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men.
Variety Batik style and color are influenced by various foreign influences. Initially, batik has a variety of shades and colors are limited, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the colonialists. Bright colors like red popularized by the Indonesians, who also popularized the style of the phoenix. European colonial nations are also taking interest in batik, and the result is a style of flowers that were not known (such as tulips) and the objects brought by the colonizers (the building or carriage), as well as favorite colors they like the color blue. Retain traditional batik coraknya, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a representation of each.
Batik technique has been known for thousands of years ago. There is no historical information is quite clear about the origin of batik. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. Besides in Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the continent of Africa. However, a very famous batik in the world is batik from Indonesia, mainly from Java.
Batik tradition was originally a hereditary tradition, so occasionally a recognizable motif batik originated from a particular family. Some batik motif can indicate the status of a person. Even today, some tadisional batik motif is only used by family keratonYogyakarta and Surakarta.
Batik is the ancestral heritage of Indonesia (Java) that until now still exist. Batik is also first introduced to the world by President Suharto, who was then wearing a batik at the UN Conference.