In a puppet play philosophical value of a story largely delivered in the form of
speech and movement. In the song pelantunan macapat filisofis values presented in the form of lyrics and songs. In each piece of batik painting strokes canthing is full of meaning of the batik. Each motif is a symbol of a major event that set forth in the form of images.
Batik during the last few years as if having a mass reinassance. Batik clothes that previously only used on certain occasions, is now a plural subject in a variety of occasions. The designers and fashion magazines-magazine-crowded crowded lift batik as the main theme so that batik fashion boom occurred.
Remarkable resurrection occurred in the batik industry in various regions. Central cities such as batik Solo, Yogyakarta, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Lasem become so alive as batik bergeliatnya domestic industry. Modernization of the batik were kept happening is directly proportional to the increasing demand for goods and inter business pesaingan batik producers. Effeknya innovations continue to grow and continue to be modified batik and modernized.
In the city of Solo there are two types of batik, the first kratonan and batik batik saudagaran. Batik batik Saudagaran is produced by batik entrepreneurs, for example in the area and Laweyan Kauman. Batik is freely traded and used by the majority included in this type of batik. The second prohibition batik is batik which should only be used by the royal family in particular events. The existence of this batik closed since only be worn by certain circles in the royal palace. The batik is now widely distributed and considered a ban on actual motive is not necessarily true batik ban, because who really know about the prohibition of batik is clear Quintanova King family.
With regard to the philosophical value of batik from Surakarta Drs. Narimo patiently explain more about it.
Surakarta Sultanate Gagrag batik motif is the name of Kraton Surakarta Hadiningrat origin. There are approximately 317 motifs derived from Surakarta Palace area, that's not including batik motifs on the fabric jarit currently appointed for a lot of batik-batik modern.
Before creating a batik motif, the maker of batik undergo a process called lelaku where he contemplated an event and observing his surroundings. It causes every curve of batik motif and each scratches canthing has deep meaning if the surgery. Philosophical value of batik not only in historical background of the creation of a motive alone. Batik educational value is also reflected in the way of usage and time usage
Batik motif exclusivity value different orag means not all can use a motif. Batik is the term for the prohibition of batik should only be used by the king or the royal family. Slopes or machete is one example of the ban motives.
Here are some batik motifs and brief explanation:
1. Batik Parang or standard according to its slope should only be used by senoto dalem (son of the queen). Slopes derived from the gathering (the slope of the hill). The history of this motif begins when the royal family escape from the palace Kartasura. The royal family was forced into hiding in the mountains to avoid the danger.
2. Truntum batik types used when someone held a celebration party. Truntum own motives discovered by Wife of Pakubuwana V. At that time he was serving a sentence for violating the rules of the kingdom. One night he thought and looked at the starry sky in the sky and then he poured what he saw with chanthing to become truntum batik motif.
3. Batik sido mukti worn by the bridal couple. Sida mukti itself melambangakan a hope, so the couple immediately using the cloth appears sidamukti desire to achieve a successful new life or in the Java language is called mukti.
4. Batik sido Drajad besan when used by the wedding ceremony.
How to use batik has its own educational value, here are some descriptions of how the use of batik cloth.
For children dipaki batik belt wolo way. Use of this type allows the children to move freely. Philosophically wolo belt usage moral free interpreted in accordance with the souls of children who are still free and immature and do not have a moral responsibility in society.
As adolescence is no longer a person wearing a batik wolo way but with a belt jarit. Jarit long used its own meaning. Jarit shelf Seamakin the higher the degree of a person in the community shorter jarit the lower social strata are those people in society.
For adults the use of batik has its own standard between men and women. In the pleat men placed on the left. While the women pleat is placed on the right, which means nengeni. This means that a princess must not violate khendak husband.
Modern Batik
Perhaps for this society is still confused with what is called modern batik. One observer Quintanova batik and SBC committee explained in the context of the modern term of batik can be seen from several aspects:
The first modern in the sense that these two motifs and technical modern in it. Examples include the modernization of the motives of batik motifs integrate two cloths in one instance a combination of the slope with a motive kawung-kawung slopes. Contemporary batik apply even modern motifs or abstract even in the processed fabrics with batik technical.
The second is modern in terms of technical. Batik printing is a form of technical modenisasi batik. But batik printing term known to the public that was not included because it is not through the batik batik stage. Batik-making process briefly to go through several stages, drawing motifs, coating with the night, coloring, and the last lorot process (removal of the night). Without such a process can not be said of cloth batik but only batik textile. Another innovation in the technical production is by printing a night like that done in Kliwonan Batik Tourism Village, where hot night in a fabric printed in bulk. With this process it is possible to make batik with a large amount and in a short time but not deviate from the rule-making process of batik.
Innovation needed in order to survive batik
This is similar to that expressed Arifatul Solo tahun2009 daughter Uliana, modern batik batik is a business that is more popular in the community. By reaching young consumers modern batik modern batik's existence is necessary. With the varied motives of young people are no longer reluctant menggenakan batik cloth and slowly as the stereotype batik clothes for a more "senior" can be eroded. According to standard philosophical Uli batik should not dikorbakan despite ongoing modernization process. Philosophical value of batik can be maintained by creating new patterns with standard-existing standard. Without variation and modernization of batik will be impressed monotonous, and can not survive entrenched to this day.
Preserve the Philosophical Education Batik
The creators of new batik motifs need to be more careful in pouring creation, at least a batik motif creator has the knowledge and literature about the batik-batik earlier. To have created batik motif does not violate the rules and the existing standard.
Batik is now a fashion trend is a capital sesunguhnya to introduce the history and philosophy of batik in the community. Cultural education is needed so that when a person wearing a batik he did not just wear it for reasons purely fashion trend but with the accompaniment of that batik awareness is a cultural heritage that deserves to be preserved.
Philosophical value of educational efforts can be done with batik batik bring to school either in class or extracurricular intrakulikuler. With these efforts, especially the young generation of students become familiar with batik in more depth. So the future of batik remain victorious. Batik exhibition held need more emphasis on the introduction of the value of batik history, not just a quick introduction on batik cloth and no more no more depth.
Do not let the cultural assets of a priceless lost with the loss of our concern for culture nguri-uri sendiri.Dengan these efforts boom batik trend will not fade with each passing trend of fashion.
Modern Batik of Pekalongan
Modern Batik of Pekalongan
Exploring types of motives and types of modern batik making us a little impressed with the efforts of our friends in Pekalongan batik to keep still exist in the public eye, especially Indonesia. We recognize, in addition to the material that is expected as income, their efforts still deserve our respect, why?
1. Friends in Pekalongan, at least, still trying to make batik remain. Although some more concentration into the modern style of batik production, but they still produce batik, one of the Indonesian culture, which was thought to be extinct soon.
2. Compared to some areas that allow batik area just vanished, it creates Pekalongan Cooper (molds to make batik thumb) and make batik in thumb version or printing, so the void is already batik from extinction. In fact, if traced further, batik is not typical of the town of Pekalongan.
3. Pekalongan batik still exist with the original style of his own city (buketan) and has a lot of young batik can be relied upon to make Pekalongan batik is unique. Age of original batik city is expected to be able to stand throughout the city.
resource: Loemboeng
Exploring types of motives and types of modern batik making us a little impressed with the efforts of our friends in Pekalongan batik to keep still exist in the public eye, especially Indonesia. We recognize, in addition to the material that is expected as income, their efforts still deserve our respect, why?
1. Friends in Pekalongan, at least, still trying to make batik remain. Although some more concentration into the modern style of batik production, but they still produce batik, one of the Indonesian culture, which was thought to be extinct soon.
2. Compared to some areas that allow batik area just vanished, it creates Pekalongan Cooper (molds to make batik thumb) and make batik in thumb version or printing, so the void is already batik from extinction. In fact, if traced further, batik is not typical of the town of Pekalongan.
3. Pekalongan batik still exist with the original style of his own city (buketan) and has a lot of young batik can be relied upon to make Pekalongan batik is unique. Age of original batik city is expected to be able to stand throughout the city.
resource: Loemboeng
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