Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage

Batik Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Batik is a traditional art form of expression of individual creativity and collectivity of human beings Indonesia. Forged through the development process of crystallization of experience, which in turn shape the personality. Grow and develop in Indonesia as a manifestation of land rich culture producing areas batik, such as Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Cirebon, Indramayu, Madura, Lasem, Sukoharjo, and other batik-producing regions.
Some traditional arts grow and develop in Indonesia, are also automatically, Indonesian batik to Indonesia’s traditional arts as well. As of October 2, 2009, UNESCO set as the day of the National Batik, Indonesian society of the excited. Because, with the international institutions that patenting batik Indonesia as the Indonesian culture. Thus, his hopes, there is no other country can pilfer (claimed).
Batik 2 Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Batik - 2
Batik1 Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Batik - 3
batik bayu semilir Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Batik - Bayu Semilir
Batik Pekalongan Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Batik - Pekalongan
Batik 3 Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage
Producting Batik
Product Batik Batik, Indonesia Indigenous Cultural Heritage

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